Lead by Alumni Huskies Wrestlers Dominic "Dom" Lombardo '15, Trevor King '16 and Carson Correira '23, the middle school grapplers took 2nd in State. With 3 State Champions among them, Cam Ferreira 70, Matt Williams 119 and Will Corrente 275 who was named 2025 Outstanding Wrestler for Rhode Island, the team made an impressive run notching the most State Champions on any team in Rhode Island. 11 place finishers including Dylan Cote, Hayden Lake, Jonah Dixon, Henry McGovern, Brody McCormick, Mubashiri Anurah, Logan Fontana and Delany Bagwell helped make up the high scoring team. The team goes well beyond just those that medaled incorporating 27 athletes with varying stages of athletic development in the sport of wrestling. The coaches theme was "It takes a village". Trevor and Dom were first year, Co-Head coaches this year. Being long time wrestling friends, they knew they wanted to build a “close family style culture"with our young athletes just like we had when they were growing up. It played out in their favor and almost everyone on the team bought in fully. They pushed each other at practice and always cheered hard for each other during matches. They kept one another up when the Huskies were up, and brought us back up when the Huskies were down. At the first practice, the coaches had our wrestlers write down 3 goals for this year. "Going over their goals with them on the bus ride home after states and seeing how many of them met these goals is truly a special feeling as a coach," said Coach King. "As an AD who served all three of these coaches when they were Athletes at Mt. Hope, its pretty amazing to watch them develop into coaches and find successes in the little and big moments," said Belise. We look forward to seeing what they all do next year in Purple! Go Huskies!